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Dino Zonic and Opera Diva Maria Russo


Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra

Masonic Concert Hall, Dayton OH


Dino Zonic and Maria Russo a World-renowned Mezzo-Soprano performed the ‘Suicidio’ from Opera “La Gioconda” by Amilcare Ponchielli, with the Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra. The performance was used for the filming of motion picture “Immortally Yours”.


International demand. At Brazil’s celebrated Teatro Amazonas, Maria Russo made history singing all three Brünnhildes in Brazil’s very first “Ring Cycle in May 2005.” Fabio de Mello, Brazilian opera critic, and author said “Maria gives yet something particularly rare among the born Wagnerians: she is an actress capable of drawing the tears of the public (as happened in the final passages of the unforgettable duet between Wotan and Brünnhilde.)” Strauss and Wagner. In recent seasons, she has sung Brünnhilde, Elektra, Senta, the Kaiserin, Isolde, Marie in Wozzeck and Helmwige in such renowned venues as the Vienna State Opera, Vienna Volksoper, Trieste Opera, Bologna Opera, the State Operas of Basel, Stuttgart, Mannheim and Hannover, Munich and Hamburg State Opera and Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires.

© 2019 by Dino Zonic

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