Unity Through Music Concert Series -
Stivers Spectaculars, Dayton OH
As a Conductor of Stivers Philharmonic Orchestra, Dino Zonic has performed throughout Dayton, Ohio, a series of concert spectaculars coproduced with the Red Oak productions held at:
Schuster Performing Arts Center
Victoria Theatre
and Masonic Concert Hall.
The concert series featured the Stivers Philharmonic Orchestra and orchestra members from:
Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra
Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra
Springfield Symphony Orchestra
Wright State University Orchestra
University of Dayton Symphony Wind Orchestra
and community choirs, special national and international guests.
The Concert series attracted public and media attention, followed by TV channels such as NBC, FOX, PBS, and NPR Radio, Radio Voice of America, etc. The events generated $550,000 in revenues and tax credits. The Seedling Foundation officially recognized this success and used the revenues to complete the Federal QZAB loan requirements in order to rebuild the Stivers School for the Arts campus, a nationally recognized art school.